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 Banksy's Steve Jobs Mural At Calais Migrant CampSky

Banksy has put the refugee crisis at the centre of his new works, painted in the northern French port of Calais.
One of the murals, at the sprawling makeshift migrant camp known as the Jungle, features Steve Jobs carrying one of Apple's early computers and a bin bag.

Unveiling the new works, Banksy pointed out that the Apple co-founder's biological father, Abdulfattah 'John' Jandali, was from the Syrian city of Homs, now devastated by civil war.
"We're often led to believe migration is a drain on the country's resources, but Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian migrant," the British artist said in a statement released with the photos.
"Apple is the world's most profitable company, it pays over $7b a year in taxes - and it only exists because they allowed in a young man from Homs."
Jobs was given up for adoption soon after his birth to Mr Jandali and his American girlfriend Joanne Carole Schieble.
He never met his biological father and was raised by Californian couple Paul and Clara Jobs.
Banksy also painted his own take on Theodore Gericault's Raft of the Medusa, an icon of French Romanticism.
His version of the painting, which is in the Calais town centre, features a luxury yacht and is captioned: "We're not all in the same boat."
French authorities have estimated that around 5,000 migrants are in Calais. Many of them are living in the Jungle and want to move to Britain.
Banksy has dismantled his theme park Dismaland in North Somerset and shipped timber and other materials from it to the Jungle to help provide shelter for refugees.
He named the project Dismal Aid.
"When Dismaland closed its doors it was that decided that instead of chucking all the leftover crew in the bin they should be recycled into aid workers," it said on Banksy's website.
"They've since travelled to the Calais migrant came and so far have completed 12 dwellings, a community area and a children's play park
