7 Pictures That Prove The Amazon is Totally Insane

1. The Jesus Lizard
No, we’re not talking about that band your hipster buddy in the thrash rock band enjoys, although we are talking about the animal from which that band derives its name. If you look at the picture above, we bet that you can figure out why these creatures have come to be known as Jesus lizards. That’s right! It is possible for these reptiles to literally walk (or, more accurately, run) on water. Although, they eventually have to swim… But, it’s cool while it lasts, right?
2. Hello, Darkness My Old Friend
In the lushest parts of the Amazon, the canopy is really thick. And, by really thick, we mean REALLY THICK. In fact, the canopy in these places can actually succeed in blocking out 99% of sunlight, leading to a very dark jungle floor where all kinds of interesting animals and plants thrive. This sun-blocking effect (which is, in truth, an absorbing effect) is perhaps the most important role the Amazon and other rainforests play in regulating the Earth’s temperature.
6. Glass Frogs
If you spend enough time in the Amazon, you’re sure to so a diversity of frogs like you never imagined. Some of them are colorful, some camouflaged, and some are even incredibly poisonous. The coolest of them all, however, may be the glass frog, which has completely translucent skin, allowing you to look directly at its internal organs. Seriously, look at that thing up above, how cool is that?
8. Candiru Fish
Poison dart frogs sound pretty bad, don’t they? Well, there just one of many dangerous animals that you’re likely to encounter in the Amazon. However, you have the advantage of being able to see the poison dart frog. The candiru fish? Not so much. These little buggers are incredibly tiny, and they’re vicious parasites. Do you know what they have a proclivity for? Human orifices, and we’re not talking about your mouth and your nostrils. We’re talking about… You get the pictur
12. Uncontacted Tribe
The flip side of science and explorers having yet to find everything there is to find in the world is that there are still tribes of people that have not had contact with the outside world for centuries. A recent expedition to the Amazon uncovered one such tribe, which was photographed by airplane. Can you imagine what it must be like to live in the deepest parts of the Amazon, to have had no contact with modern technology, and to see a plane up in the sky? Mind blowing!
13. The Rio Hamza
Everyone knows about the Amazon River. In fact, we’ve discussed a lot of aspects about it thus far. But, did you know that there’s another river in the Amazon that’s as equally important. It’s called the Rio Hamza. Good luck trying to find it on a map, though. This river is actually completely underground, is much wider than the Amazon, and carries over forty times the amount of water than the Thames in England.
14. Anacondas
The anacondas that you may be familiar with are the kind that don’t want none if you ain’t got buns, hun. In the Amazon rainforest, specifically in the river that bears its name, anacondas are very real and can be very dangerous. These kind don’t care about the size of your posterior. Instead, they’re more interested in you a potential food source and can use their powerful muscles to literally squeeze the life out of you.
