Black Power gang poses with bride and groom in unusual wedding photo

Black Power gang poses with bride and groom in unusual wedding photoWhile typical wedding photos contains of plenty of caressing, this couple from New Zealand have done things differently out of pure coincidence. 
Photographer Rebecca Inns was capturing soon-to-be-wed Sarah and Matthew Oke in Lucy's Gully, Taranaki on a sunny Saturday, when they ran into a group of Black Power gang members, who were mourning the deceased.
The Black Power members had just completed a hikoi — a Māori term meaning a long march to pay respect to the dead — when the group's path crossed with the couple.
The group held a black power salute behind bride and groom who were on their way to exchange vows, Inns told the New Zealand Herald

Black Power

After the official photographs were taken, the couple became stuck in a carpark near the forest due to vehicles clogging up the road, so Inns's husband Jordan asked if the couple could get a photo with the group, according Inns's post on Facebook.
"They were really accommodating and had a discussion among themselves and after some discussion they decided that it would be fine … this is the result," Inns wrote on Facebook, where she shared the photo. 
The unusual photo was "totally random, totally unplanned and totally unique," Inns added. She said she not planned to share it, but that changed when another image taken by Pat Wipani, who said she was part of the group on Facebook, started getting attention.
Wipani explained in another Facebook post that she was waiting to leave with the group when someone pointed out the wedding party walking by. "I looked and the bride was walking past the van I was in, she was beautiful," Wipani wrote.
Black Power are a prominent gang in New Zealand, formed in 1970 with predominantly Māori and Polynesian members, and inspired by the U.S. Black Power movement.
Turns out weddings aren't just great at bringing together long-lost relatives.
