"The right of self-defense is the first law of nature," the website for Ideal Conceal informed.
Now the boutique firearm manufacturer is out to walk the walk with a
product designed to make it easier than ever to pack heat.
The Minnesota company's signature product is a double-barreled, .380-caliber, derringer-style handgun that looks like a smartphone — but with a few quick Transformers-like adjustments it morphs into a handgun.
Eat your heart out, James Bond.
"I walked
towards the restroom and a little child, a boy about 7, saw me and said,
'Mommy, mommy, that guy's gotta gun,'" he told KARE 11.
"The whole restaurant of course turns and stares at you, and I thought,
'There's just gotta be something better to do than this.'"
The device came
under fire of its own, however, with many online disparaging the new
device as foolish and dangerous. "Yes, let's make it even easier to get a
gun into a mall, movie theater, school, office building, etc.," wrote
one commenter on KARE 11's Facebook page. "This is one of the dumbest ideas I've seen."
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