Top Gear Forced To Scrap A £500,000 Filming Trip After The Crew Get Stranded

Ahh, things are going from bad to worse for the reboot of Top Gear, with the latest blow costing an estimated £500,000.
Eek - these blunders clearly do not come cheap.

It has been claimed that three of the BBC show’s new presenters, Rory Reid, Sabine Schmitz, and Eddie Jordan, alongside forty crew members were left stranded as they tried to make their way to Kazakhstan to film for the show - with the scenes costing about half a million pounds in total.
However, they were forced to abandon the trip when they got held up in Moscow and all flights were grounded.
It’s safe to say that everything is against this show being a success…
An insider dished to The Sun: “The Top Gear team had all the correct visas. The issue was a row between Aeroflot and Kazakhstan. Everyone on the flight was told to get off.”
The BBC added: “Through no fault of the Top Gear team, the airline carrying them was not permitted to fly from Moscow to Kazakhstan so they returned to London.

"They intend to visit Kazakhstan in the future to shoot the planned film there. The BBC will be looking to recoup the cost of the flights.”
Thankfully the Beeb have insurance to cover such unfortunate mishaps - here’s hoping that this is the last blunder that Top Gear faces for at least a little while…
